Ridding The World of Problems

  • How Your Dog’s Breed Affects Its Training

    Bringing home a furry friend is an exciting adventure, but different breeds come with unique quirks and needs. Just like humans learn differently, so do dogs! Understanding the influence of breed on your pup’s training journey can ensure a smooth, successful, and fun experience for both of you. Tailoring Training to your Tailwagger: How Breed…

  • How to Reduce Excess Inventory and Lost Profits for your HVAC Business

    Excess inventory lurks in your warehouse like a silent saboteur, slowly draining your profits and hindering your business’s agility. While having enough supplies on hand seems prudent, the burden of too much inventory outweighs its benefits. Let’s talk about why excess inventory is bad and how it hurts your bottom line, then look at some…

  • Silent but Violent: the Different Types of Hungry Red Bed Bugs

    Unmasking the Red Bed Bug Invaders They creep in the shadows, leaving itchy welts and sleepless nights in their wake. Yes, folks, we’re talking about the notorious bed bugs – those miniature vampires who turn bedrooms into battlegrounds. But before you reach for the garlic cloves and holy water, let’s crack the code on these…

  • How to Break a Bad Energy Drink Addiction

    Kicking the Can Down the Road: Breaking Free from Energy Drink Addiction Who doesn’t like a good buzz from an ice cold Red Bull? That siren song of the neon can, promising a sugar rush fueled by caffeine and questionable ingredients. While energy drinks might seem like a quick pick-me-up, their allure often masks an…

  • How to Survive a Long, Drawn-Out Market Meltdown or Sudden Stock Crash

    Investors of the blue-chip stocks are making tremendous profits, smiling their way to the bank. Everything seems okay, the party is at peak until the benchmark index hits a 35,000 milestone. This lures more investors to join the party for the quick buck. But what if all of a sudden, the market comes tumbling down?…

  • How You Can Start Marketing on Instagram Too

    If you’re a Gen X or Boomer business owner looking to expand your digital footprint and start marketing on Instagram, you’re in the right place. Instagram is a powerful social media platform with over 2 billion active users, including a growing number of people in your generation. And fortunately, it’s not just for millenials or…

  • Putting a Stop to the Little KIA Tik Tok Challenge

    Oh, the interwebs and liberal, progressive criminal justice policies in large blue American cities have given us a real jewel of a shitshow in the last few years. And the “solutions” to the underlying problems have been no less entertaining or disheartening for people who prefer reason to madness. The TikTok Kia Challenge is a…

  • When It’s Bed Bug Bites- and When It’s Not

    Bed bugs have increasingly crept into the public dialogue of common household pests more and more lately. From the banning of DDT, an effective but dangerous pesticide, to increased international travel, bed bugs have once again gained infamy in popular culture. But just because you are getting red bites, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bed bugs,…

  • ¡Cómo hacer que tu perro deje de ladrar!

    ¡Deja a tu perro de ladrar!  Lo primero es lo primero. Es hora de enseñarle a su perro a ladrar cuando se le ordene . Tiene sentido que una vez que instales un botón de “encendido”, finalmente aprendas a presionar el botón de “apagado” para ladrar a tu perro. Comience haciendo algo que normalmente hace…

  • Can Snoring… Kill You?

    Sleep apnea disorder (heavy snoring’s older brother) is not usually assigned by doctors as the direct cause of death, but it can certainly lead to a large range of other potential deadly health problems. Also, substance abuse can cause sleep disturbances, which result in relapse. Sleep apnea, combined with other factors, are claimed to have…